Creative Actualisation
Wed 15 May
Studio One Toi Tu upstairs gallery
6pm doors open, talk 6:30-7:30pm
Stay on for some refreshments afterwards
Tickets are $5 from Eventbrite
Join us for a joint event between Proud Voices On Screen and the Pan-Asian Screen Collective.
Minority creatives can feel a burden in needing to represent their community on screen. On the other hand, it is freeing to be able to create work you and your community want to see. Creating characters and stories that project what you want to experience in the world can bring things into existence - creation as actualisation.
Nathan Joe will moderate a discussion with filmmakers Ramon Te Wake, Rachel Fawcett and Ankita Singh as they explore their approach to creating work that surpasses known tropes and potentially creates new ones.
Speakers: writer/director Ramon Te Wake (The Boy, the Queen and Everything In Between), producer Rachel Fawcett (Munkie, n00b, Joika), writer/director Ankita Singh (Give Me Babies)
Moderator: Nathan Joe
This event is made possible with support from the New Zealand Film Commission